
Class definitions for MedleyDB multitracks.

class medleydb.multitrack.MultiTrack(track_id)[source]

MultiTrack Class definition.

This class loads all available metadata, annotations, and filepaths for a given multitrack directory.

track_id : str

Track id in format ‘Artist_Title’.


>>> mtrack = Multitrack('LizNelson_Rainfall')
>>> another_mtrack = Multitrack('ArtistName_TrackTitle')
artist : str

The artist of the multitrack

title : str

The title of the multitrack

track_id : str

The unique identifier of the multitrack. In the form ‘Artist_Title’

annotation_dir : str

Path to multitrack’s annotation directory

audio_path : str

Path to multitrack’s top level audio directory

mix_path : str

Path to multitrack’s mix file.

melody_rankings : dictionary

Dictionary of melody rankings keyed by stem id

melody1_fpath : str

Path to melody 1 annotation file

melody2_fpath : str

Path to melody 2 annotation file

melody3_fpath : str

Path to melody 3 annotation file

melody_intervals_fpath : str

Path to melody intervals file

melody_rankings_fpath : str

Path to melody rankings file

activation_conf_fpath : str

Path to original activation confidence file

activation_conf_v2_fpath : str

Path to version 2 activation confidence file

source_id_fpath : str

Path to source id file

mixing_coefficients : dictionary

Dictionary of mixing weights keyed by stem id

stems : dictionary

Dictionary of stem Track objects keyed by stem id

raw_audio : dictionary

Dictionary of dictionaries keyed by stem id

stem_instruments : list

List of stem instrument labels

raw_instruments : list

List of raw audio instrument labels

duration : float or None

float: Duration of the mix

is_excerpt : bool

True if multitrack is an excerpt

has_bleed : bool

True if multitrack has bleed

is_instrumental : bool

True if multitrack is instrumental

origin : str

Origin of multitrack

genre : str

Genre of multitrack

metadata_version : str

Metadata version

has_melody : bool

True if multitrack has at least one melody stem

predominant_stem : Track or None

Track object for the predominant stem if availalbe, otherwise None

dataset_version : string

Iteration a multitrack came from. (E.g. “V1” for MedleyDB dataset_version 1, “V2” for MedleyDB dataset_version 2)

_stem_activations : np.array

Matrix of stem activations

_stem_activations_idx : dictionary

Dictionary mapping stem index to column of the stem_activations matrix

_meta_path : str

Path to metadata file.

_stem_dir_path : str

Path to multitrack’s stem file directory

_raw_dir_path : str

Path to multitrack’s raw file directory

_stem_fmt : str

Format of stem file basenames

_raw_fmt : str

format of raw file basenames

_metadata : dict

dictionary of data loaded from metadata file

_melody1_annotation : np.array or None

Melody 1 annotation if exists, otherwise None

_melody2_annotation : np.array or None

Melody 2 annotation if exists, otherwise None

_melody3_annotation : np.array or None

Melody 3 annotation if exists, otherwise None


activation_conf_from_stem(stem_idx[, version]) Get activation confidence from given stem.
bass_stems() Get list of stems that contain bass.
melody_stems() Get list of stems that contain melody.
num_raw() Number of raw audio files.
num_stems() Number of stems.
raw_filepaths() Get list of filepaths to raw audio files.
stem_filepaths() Get list of filepaths to stem files.
activation_conf_from_stem(stem_idx, version=None)[source]

Get activation confidence from given stem.

stem_idx : int

stem index (eg. 2 for stem S02)

version : str

If ‘v2’, uses the version 2 annotations. Otherwise uses acitvation annotations from the original release.

activation_confidence : list

List of time, activation confidence pairs


Get list of stems that contain bass.

bass_stems: list

List of Track objects where component=’bass’.


float: Duration of the mix


np.array: Melody 1 annotation.


np.array: Melody 2 annotation.


np.array: Melody 3 annotation.


Get list of stems that contain melody.

melody_stems : list

List of Track objects where component=’melody’.


Number of raw audio files.

n_raw : int

Number of raw audio files.


Number of stems.

n_stems : int

Number of stems.


Get list of filepaths to raw audio files.

raw_fpaths : list

List of filepaths to raw audio files.


np.array: Matrix of stem activations


dictionary : Dictionary mapping stem index to column of the stem_activations matrix.


dictionary : Dictionary mapping stem index to column of the stem_activations matrix. (annotations version 2)


np.array: Matrix of stem activations (annotations version 2)


Get list of filepaths to stem files.

stem_fpaths : list

List of filepaths to stems.

class medleydb.multitrack.Track(instrument, audio_path, stem_idx, mix_path, file_id=None, raw_idx=None, component='', ranking=None, mixing_coefficient=None)[source]

Track class definition. Used for stems and for raw audio tracks.

instrument : list of str

The track’s instrument label(s).

audio_path : str

Path to corresponding audio file.

stem_idx : int or str

stem index, either as int or str For ArtistName_TrackTitle_STEM_05.wav, either 5 or ‘S05’

mix_path : str

Path to corresponding mix audio file.

file_id : str or None, default=None

The file’s basename - e.g. Artist_Track_STEM_01

raw_idx : int str or None, default=None

Raw index, either as int or str For ArtistName_TrackTitle_RAW_05_02.wav, either 2 or ‘R02’

component : str, default=’‘

stem’s component label, if exists.

ranking : int or None, default=None

The Track’s melodic ranking

mixing_coefficient : float or None, default=None

The Tracks’s mixing coefficient

instrument : str

The track’s instrument label

f0_type : str
The track’s f0 type. One of
  • ‘m’ for monophonic sources
  • ‘p’ for polyphonic sources
  • ‘u’ for unpitched sources
audio_path : str

Path to corresponding audio file

component : str or None

The Track’s component label, if exists E.g. ‘melody’, ‘bass’

ranking : int or None

The Track’s melodic ranking, if exists

stem_idx : int

The Track’s stem index

raw_idx : int or None

The Track’s raw index, if exists

mixing_coefficient : float or None

The Tracks’s mixing coefficient, if exists

duration : float or None

float: duration of audio file

mix_path : str

The path to the track’s corresponding mix

pitch_path : str

The path to the track’s pitch annotation

pitch_annotation : list or None

list: List of pairs of time (seconds), frequency (Hz)

_pitch_annotation : list or None

List of pairs of time (seconds), frequency (Hz)


float: duration of audio file


list: List of pairs of time (seconds), frequency (Hz)


list: List of pairs of time (seconds), frequency (Hz)


Load stem or raw index. Reformat if in string form.

index : int or str

Index in string or integer form. E.g. any of 1 or ‘S01’ or ‘R01’

formatted_index : int

Index in integer form


Get the dataset version a track id appears in.

track_id : str

Track id

dataset_version : str

The dataset version string


Get the set of all leaves of a dictionary.

dictionary : dict

A dictionary or nested dictionary.

vals : set

Set of leaf values.


Get the duration of a wave file, in seconds.

wave_fpath : str

Wave file.

duration : float

Duration of wave file in seconds.


Get the f0 type of an instrument.

instrument : str

Instrument label, e.g. ‘flute’

f0_type : str
The instrument’s f0 type. One of
  • ‘m’ for monophonic sources
  • ‘p’ for polyphonic sources
  • ‘u’ for unpitched sources
medleydb.multitrack.get_valid_instrument_labels(taxonomy=<Mock name='mock()' id='139996890382992'>)[source]

Get set of valid instrument labels based on a taxonomy.

taxonomy_file : str, default=INST_TAXONOMY

Path to instrument taxonomy file.

valid_instrument_labels : set

Set of valid instrument labels.


>>> valid_labels = get_valid_instrument_labels()
>>> my_valid_labels = get_valid_instrument_labels('my_taxonomy.yaml')

Test if an instrument is valid based on a taxonomy. This is case sensitive! Taxonomy instrument labels are all lowercase.

instrument : str

Input instrument.

value : bool

True if instrument is valid.


>>> is_valid_instrument('clarinet')
>>> is_valid_instrument('Clarinet')
>>> is_valid_instrument('mayonnaise')
medleydb.multitrack.read_annotation_file(fpath, num_cols=None, header=False)[source]

Read an annotation file. The returned annotations can be directly converted to a numpy array, if desired.

When reading files generated by Tony, set num_cols=2. Annotation files created by Tony can contain a third column that sometimes has a value (e.g [2]) and sometimes does not. It isn’t important for annotation and can be ignored.

fpath : str

Path to annotation file.

num_cols : int or None, default=None

Number of columns to read. If specified, will only read the return num_cols columns of the annotation file.

annotation : list

List of rows of the annotation file.

header : list

Header row. Empty list if header=False.


>>> melody_fpath = 'ArtistName_TrackTitle_MELODY1.txt'
>>> pitch_fpath = 'my_tony_pitch_annotation.csv'
>>> melody_annotation, _ = read_annotation_file(melody_fpath)
>>> activation_annotation, header = read_annotation_file(
        actvation_fpath, header=True
>>> pitch_annotation, _ = read_annotation_file(pitch_fpath, num_cols=2)


Functions for creating new mixes from medleydb multitracks.

medleydb.mix.mix_melody_stems(mtrack, output_path, max_melody_stems=None, include_percussion=False, require_mono=False)[source]

Creates a mix using only the stems labeled as melody.

mtrack : Multitrack

Multitrack object

output_path : str

Path to save output wav file.

max_melody_stems : int or None, default=None

The maximum number of melody stems to mix. If None, uses the number of melody stems in the mix.

include_percussion : bool, default=False

If true, adds percussion stems to the mix.

require_mono : bool, default=False

If true, only includes melody stems that are monophonic instruments.

melody_indices : list

List of selected melody indices.

stem_indices : list

List of stem indices used in mix.

medleydb.mix.mix_mono_stems(mtrack, output_path, include_percussion=False)[source]

Creates a mix using only the stems that are monophonic. For example, in mix with piano, voice, and clarinet, the resulting mix would include only voice and clarinet.

mtrack : Multitrack

Multitrack object

output_path : str

Path to save output wav file.

include_percussion : bool, default=False

If true, percussive instruments are included in the mix. If false, they are excluded.

mono_indices : list

List of stem indices containing monophonic instruments.

stem_indices : list

List of stem indices used in mix.

medleydb.mix.mix_multitrack(mtrack, output_path, stem_indices=None, alternate_weights=None, alternate_files=None, additional_files=None)[source]

Mix the stems of a multitrack to create a new mix. Can optionally adjust the volume of stems and replace, remove, or add stems.

mtrack : Multitrack

Multitrack object

output_path : str

Path to save output file.

stem_indices : list or None, default=None

stem indices to include in mix. If None, mixes all stems

alternate_weights : dict or None, default=None

Dictionary with stem indices as keys and mixing coefficients as values. Stem indices present that are not in this dictionary will use the default estimated mixing coefficient.

alternate_files : dict or None, default=None

Dictionary with stem indices as keys and filepaths as values. Audio file to use in place of original stem. Stem indices present that are not in this dictionary will use the original stems.

additional_files : list of tuple or None, default=None

List of tuples of (filepath, mixing_coefficient) pairs to additionally add to final mix.

filepaths : list

List of filepaths used in the mix

weights : list

List of weights used to mix filepaths

medleydb.mix.mix_no_vocals(mtrack, output_path)[source]

Remixes a multitrack with anything type of vocals removed. If no vocals are present, the mix will be a simple weighted linear remix.

mtrack : Multitrack

Multitrack object

output_path : str

Path to save output file.

stem_indices : list

List of stem indices used in mix.

medleydb.mix.remix_vocals(mtrack, output_path, vocals_scale)[source]

Remixes a multitrack, changing the volume of the vocals.

mtrack : Multitrack

Multitrack object

output_path : str

Path to save output wav file.

vocals_scale : float

The target scale factor for vocals. A value of 1 keeps the volume the same. Values above 1 increase the volume and below 1 decrease it.

alternate_weights : dict

Dictionary of vocal weights keyed by vocal stem index.


Utilities to navigate MedleyDB.

medleydb.utils.artist_conditional_split(trackid_list=None, test_size=0.15, num_splits=5, random_state=None, artist_index=None)[source]

Create artist-conditional train-test splits. The same artist (as defined by the artist_index) cannot appear in both the training and testing set.

trackid_list : list or None, default=None

List of trackids to use in train-test split. If None, uses all tracks

test_size : float, default=0.15

Fraction of tracks to use in test set. The test set will be as close as possible in size to this value, but it may not be exact due to the artist-conditional constraint.

num_splits : int, default=5

Number of random splits to create

random_state : int or None, default=None

A random state to optionally reproduce the same random split.

artist_index : dict or None, default=None

Dictionary mapping each track id in trackid_list to a string that uniquely identifies each artist. If None, uses the predefined index ARTIST_INDEX.

splits : list of dicts

List of length num_splits of train/test split dictionaries. Each dictionary has the keys ‘train’ and ‘test’, each which map to lists of trackids.

medleydb.utils.get_files_for_instrument(instrument, multitrack_list=None)[source]

Get all (stem) files for a particular instrument from the dataset.

instrument : str

Instrument files to extract.

multitrack_list : list of MultiTrack objects or None, default=None

List of MultiTrack objects. If None, uses all multitracks.

inst_list : list

List of filepaths corresponding to instrument label.


# load drum set files from the full dataset: >>> drumset_files = get_files_for_instrument(‘drum set’)

# load violin files from a subset of the dataset: >>> track_list = [‘ArtistName1_TrackName1’, ‘ArtistName2_TrackName2’, ‘ArtistName3_TrackName3’] >>> multitrack_subset = load_multitracks(track_list) >>> violin_files = get_files_for_instrument(

‘violin’, multitrack_subset



Load all multitracks in MEDLEYDB_PATH.

dataset_version : list or None, default=None

List of dataset version ids. If None, uses version 1.

multitracks : list

List of multitrack objects.


>>> multitracks = load_all_multitracks()
>>> multitracks = load_all_multitracks(dataset_version=['V1', 'V2'])

Load all multitracks that have melody annotations.

melody_multitracks : list

List of multitrack objects.

dataset_version : list or None, default=None

List of dataset version ids. If None, uses version 1.


>>> melody_multitracks = load_melody_multitracks()
>>> multitracks = load_melody_multitracks(dataset_version=['V2'])

Load a list of multitracks.

track_list : list

List of track ids in format ‘Artist_Title’

multitracks : dict

List of multitrack objects.


>>> track_list = ['ArtistName1_TrackName1',                       'ArtistName2_TrackName2',                       'ArtistName3_TrackName3']
>>> multitracks = load_multitracks(track_list)

Generate Melody Annotations